To celebrate the third anniversary of Crypto Tracker, I’ve been working the last several weeks on a big 5.0 update that launches today. In this post I will talk about the new main features, but I’ll dedicate a future post to discuss the reach of an app inside the Windows Store and the advantages and disadvantages of launching an app in there compared to the Play and App Store.

After a long hiatus without any important new features, this new update is filled with them (and the obvious bugfixes along the way):

Editable purchases

It’s been a long requested feature for sure, and for that reason I’ve created a new minimal dialog to both add or modify a purchase. But not only does it look beautiful, it also live updates the worth and profits of the purchase as you modify it:

Portfolio’s historic performance

Another feature on the backburner for a while was a historic chart of your whole portfolio. Now you can analyze your portolio’s performance in the selected timespan in a single glance:

Improved portfolio details, and sortable rows

The details of the purchases are better arranged now in proper responsive columns, with better coloring of earnings/loses. You can also a new button in the right click menu to go directly to the coin’s page. And lastly, you can also sort entries by name, invested amount, worth or coin’s price.

Filter news by specific tags

The news page has also received love in the form of tags. It’s easier than ever to read news tailored to your interests. Just click on the search box and select the tags that interest you the most, they can be specific coins, or more general terms.

New coin description layout

The news page has also received love in the form of tags. It’s easier than ever to read news tailored to your interests. Just click on the search box and select the tags that interest you the most, they can be specific coins, or more general terms.


While creating this update I managed to fix a few nasty bugs along the way, improved the usage of the vertical axis on the charts and cleaned the code making it more modular.

Last but not least, to be more inline with the new Windows UI, I refined the logo with rounded corners and a drop shadow so it stands out better.